KP Adds Matterport Pro 3 To Camera Lineup

Better Imaging, Faster Capture And Lidar Scanning Captures Unprecedented 3D Data For Customers.

The NEW Matterport Pro 3 camera offers 4K imagery, which amplifies the ability to beautifully capture an immersive digital twin with indoor and outdoor features, such as the model we created for the wedding venue, Shady Elms Farm. The custom 20MP sensor with a 12-element lens produces accurate, life-like colors for a virtual tour that feels like walking the space in person.

The Matterport Pro 3 uses a high-precision LIDAR sensor takes millions of measurements in any condition. This data provides architectural and designer companies the ability to create CAD using a high-density point cloud to conceptualize and collaborate the space with 20 mm accuracy.

We proved the data from our 3D model of the Renaissance Hotel in Pittsburgh to architects in the Washington DC area for an extensive remodel.

Marketing firms can use the 3D models from the Pro 3 to create CAD models for accurate measurements for booths, banner and kiosks prior to conventions and large events. Our model of the Pittsburgh Convention Center of the large concourse areas and the rooftop gave sponsors the ability to design and prepare sponsor assets for the Senior Games in July, 2023.